We Go Together
Our Story
No one remembers exactly when Toast and Coffee first got together —it was that long ago— but from the start the match seemed obvious. Opposites attract and balance each other, of course, and while Coffee brought the heat, Toast brought the comfort. Everyone told them “You two belong together,” and “You have such a great relationship,” and “I wish I had what you two have.” And it went on that way for some time.
And then, suddenly, Coffee was everywhere— not just in its familiar haunts in diners and percolators, but you heard stories of Coffee from all over Central and South America, and even farther afield—Japan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia. It was true: Coffee was a star that could seemingly do no wrong.
Toast felt left behind, a stay-at-home, while Coffee was seen with A-list celebrities in all the hot spots. Coffee even became the subject of intense scientific scrutiny reported on morning news shows! Who ever studied Toast?
Toast was sharing these woes (once again) with old friends Butter and Jam when Jam pointed out that, rather than complain, Toast could get out there too and try to become the kind of partner Coffee seemed to be looking for. “Perhaps,” Toast thought, “this is not all Coffee’s fault. Maybe I was complacent in our relationship. Maybe I am in need of a makeover.”
The first hint that Toast could indeed step up its game came with its unlikely pairing with Avocado. Suddenly, Toast had a hit, even if it had to take second billing, and this gave Toast the confidence to try other sweet morning pairings: Cinnamon bruleè, in retrospect, seemed obvious. Nutella, Banana & Mascarpone gathered a small but loyal following. Berries, PB&J and Granola showed that Toast never forgot an old friend.
Was Coffee starting to take notice?
Toast could extend itself to the afternoon by doing savory too: Capresè Toast wasn’t just for Italians, Hummus and Shaved Vegetables made a great mid-afternoon snack, while Pear Walnuts & Gorgonzola could take you all the way to cocktail hour. Toast felt confident that there would be more to come.
Toast now knew that it could do without Coffee, if need be, but surely things hadn’t gone that far. Every relationship has its ups and downs. It wasn’t long after that when Coffee finally admitted the obvious, “I’ve been waiting for you Toast. You complete Me.
Mission Statement
Toast & Coffee will provide the East Uptown neighborhood with a gathering place; a relaxed and welcoming, neighborly atmosphere. Focusing on quality coffee, delicious light food, baked goods, and friendly service. Toast & Coffee values diversity, kindness, and excellence.
We proudly serve the historic Jefferson Park, Paseo, Capital, and Mesta Park neighborhoods.
Our Owners
Shawn Churchman & Tom Spector
Shawn & Tom are recently retired professors (Go Cowboys! Go Sooners!) in Musical Theatre and Architecture, respectively. It’s good to know that years of bad academic coffee hasn't gone for naught...
Tom hails from Rome, Georgia and specialized in historical renovations before receiving his PhD in Architecture at Berkeley. He began teaching at OSU in 2001. Shawn graduated from Oklahoma City University and then spent 20 years in New York City as both an actor and director. He joined the faculty of OU musical theatre in 2008.
In addition to several apartment buildings in OKC’s core, they have been owners of The Uptown Building since 2017. A “to the studs” renovation, they are proud to have breathed new life into this iconic gem of a building.